Our vision is to come together as a community to provide the most vulnerable among us with the most nourishing food possible.

Each pot of soup contains the finest organic ingredients infused with healing herbs, and is prepared with the intention of compassion and healing for all living beings.

By serving those with empty bowls, we open pathways for a future that is better than we can possibly imagine. Here are three ways you can join us:

1. Join us in the kitchen for vegetable prep, bicycle delivery       or service in a shelter.
2. Return your empty bottles of soup. For every empty bottle of BLB soup returned, we will donate one 8oz. serving!
3.Gift one or more bowls ($1.50/serving) or a pot (4.8 gallons) for $108.

No matter how big or small, we thank for your support!

Thank you for your order. Please scroll back up to return to the Big Little Bowl website.


SEVA FOR PEACE OF MIND AND JOYFUL LIVING. SEVA TO STRENGTHEN HEARTS AND COMMUNITY. Seva to burn away anger, greed, jealousy and fear. seva to counteract injustice